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Daimler's Car2Go Car Sharing Opens in London
2012-12-16 09:33:10 London is the 17th city that Daimler's Car2go car sharing service has launched in. London...
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Daimler Finance Boss Says More Projects with Tesla Coming
2013-11-03 05:23:57 Daimler and Tesla have been working together for the last several years, and...
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Daimler Adding Fake Engine Noise to Electric Smarts and Mercedes
2013-12-31 13:55:37 Daimler has put engineers on the task of making electric cars safer for pedestrians, specificall...
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Smart Brings Car2Go Car Sharing Service to Stuttgart
2012-11-30 15:15:12 Smart is adding a 16th city to its Car2Go car sharing service - the {TOOLTIP|MAKE|1394|Mercedes-...
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Smart and Brabus Celebrate Partnership with 10th Anniversary Edition
2012-07-20 16:46:10 Smart and Brabus have been working together on special edition cars for the ...
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Electric Smart Buzzes into Europe for €16,000 in 2012
2011-09-14 17:32:50  

In a move that seems entirely obvious, Smart will be putting an electric motor i...

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Smart Forjeremy Actually Going Into Limited Production
2013-04-22 13:11:21 Smart has made the amazing decision to put the Forjeremy from the LA Auto Show into limited prod...
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smart expands car2go network
2011-03-21 11:02:00 The Austin, Texas branch of smart’s car2go program – where a smart car is waiting on every corner ready to ...
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Smart Expanding Into Russia in July
2012-06-20 20:56:40 Smart will begins taking cars officially in Russia for the first time on July 1. It has dealers ...
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