5 results for aus in Makes

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The Austin Motor Company was a British carmaker founded by Herbert Austin in 1905. Austin was one of the biggest car...
encyclopedia > make37 models  |  56 photos

The British sports car produced Austin-Healy has been defunct since 1972. This compan...

encyclopedia > make4 models  |  71 photos
Automóviles Utilitarios, S.A. was founded by Guillem and Antoni Tachó and Maurici Josep Vila Perram&oa...
encyclopedia > make1 models  |  17 photos
Austro-V was an association of 2 companies with the goal of building a Formula V : Mahag (Munich) and Porsche Konstr...
encyclopedia > make2 models  |  2 photos
  The Austrian car manufacturer Austro-Daimler was founded in 1899 and produced its vehicles until 1934. A...
encyclopedia > make4 models