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Sweden Sweden (1927 - present)
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2013-04-26 @ 14:05 | © photo courtesy of: Volvo
The engine stops during brakingWhen braking starts, the rear flywheel begins to spinThe system only works on the rear axleThe system makes roughly 80hp for short periods of timeLa flotte optimisée de Volvo C30 Electrique satisfait aux mêmes standards élevés de qualité et de sécurité que les autres modèles VolvoLe nouveau chargeur rapide de 22 kW est le premier chargeur embarqué au monde à fonctionner en triphaséLe nouveau moteur électrique Siemens offre une puissance maxi de 89 kWOs novos motores Siemens são mais potentes e ligeiramente mais eficientesEste upgrade será aplicado a todos os veículos da frota de leasing no verãoVolvo tem vindo a testar o C30 elétrico desde 2009The new Siemens motors are more powerful and slightly more efficientThis upgrade will be rolled out to the entire fleet of leased vehicles in the summerVolvo has been testing the electric C30 since 2009A Volvo pretende focar-se nos motores de quatro cilindros e nos híbridosVolvo não tenciona lançar um novo sedan topo de gama, mas vai atualizar o S80 com a plataforma SPAO XC90 vai ser o primeiro modelo a usar a plataforma SPA em 2014Volvo plans to emphasize four-cylinder engines and hybridsVolvo does not plan to add a flagship sedan but will upgrade the S80 on the SPA platformThe XC90 will be the first car to use the SPA platform in 2014Volvo P1800Volvo P1800Volvo P1800
When braking starts, the rear flywheel begins to spin